(1) Psycho-somatic or pure psychic ailments/ diseases must only be treated with Homeopathy for the simple reason that this medicine is prepared to bring it to the higher subtle level to match with that of the human emotional level and proved directly on the healthy human beings as a contrast to other medical therapies especially Allopathy where the medicine is prepared on a crude level and thereby proved on animals and the same killed- an utter disregard for animal life and ironically feigning concern and regard for human life. And how dare we compare lower animal brain with higher / subtle human mind applying the medicine proved on lower animals to the higher human psyche. |
(2) As a contrast to the normal notion that Homeopathy if at all it works is a painfully slow process of cure, this has been proved both in theory and practice that by acting directly through naked nerve endings on the tongue and through central nervous system, spreading instantly all over, this is undisputedly the fastest mode of treatment. |
(3) As a contrast to a mere immediate relief and later consequenting serious damage to the subtle inner human mechanism (and also blatantly disowning responsibility / accountability), Homeopathy cures and restores health as a consequence. |
Life is a bundle of positivites and negativites. Complexities of lives are to be managed in such a way that it should not affect the daily life of a person. Life Management Gurukul helps attain a balanced life. |
This atomic age of fast life & hill-high ambitions has inadvertently become sea-deep in tensions, anxieties & consequent depressions & breakdowns. Our Psycho-counselling centre is fully equipped & geared up to handle such harsh realities of this day. Psycho-counselling helps in self analysis and achieving self esteem, physical and mental harmony, peace of mind, and inner happiness. |
In individual counseling, we focus on the individual's personal problems in an atmosphere of complete privacy & comfort. The counseling is done in two ways- |
(1) On hourly basis. |
(2) Three- session package basis (session time more than one hour and adjusted to the convenience and comfort level of the subject). |
In the first session, the individual speaks his mind out elaborately (from the early childhood to the present) and we listen to him with rapt attention, least disturbing / interrupting him / her in the process. In the second session, on the basis of detailed picture provided by him / her in the first session, we, to the best of our knowledge & capacity as Psycho- counsellors, feed him / her with guidelines in order to correct / rectify / improve the individual's line of thinking and action. Any interruption / questioning from the client side is happily allowed to gain his / her total involvement in the process of Psycho-analysis, Counselling and Therapy. Third session is a question-answer session. The client's questions are answered directly to the best of his / her satisfaction. |
N.B.- Each session is carried out on three different days and not on the same day.
Purpose served- De-stressing & handling self and society and leading dignified life |
Counselling is generally considered as a direct ‘one to one’ relation between client and the counselor which is individualistic in its approach .But now-a-days man is more of a society person. So in a group setting one can exploit with advantage the group process of social facilitation, conformity and suggestion to help promote the therapeutic process. In a group setting, the individual tends to be one with the group and is therefore less self-conscious and responds more naturally. |
Group interaction helps to change the attitude, feelings, needs and lives of individuals in a social setting. There are practical situations, where direct involvement of other members of the society, family, colleagues is necessary. Group counseling thus becomes a practical means of helping to resolve problems by harnessing the social process of group dynamics, social facilitation, and so on. |
In group counseling each and every person of a group gets a chance to speak out his/her Mind and one can understand emotions and feelings of others. Which though sometimes leads to heated discussions but differences are resolved amicably in an atmosphere of serenity. In the group- Common problems are solved easily and time is saved. |
In today's fast -pacing world, the institution of marriage is facing the sharpest killer axe. Sanctity and liability has been forced to the back seat and the front has been snatched by individual selfishness and greed. Marriage has become a crude, mathematical, business contract rather than the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bond of two bodies with one soul. What ‘at all’ is the compulsion of getting married in the first place, if what you require in marriage, is freely available including "sex" outside of the sacred institution is quite a questionmark ! |
Children have direct involvement with teachers, parents, peer groups and siblings, where they have to make adjustment at different levels. Sometimes they find it very difficult, which affects them both physically and mentally. |
Adolescence is such a stage where they are at the crossroads. They are neither mature enough to mingle with adults nor in the category of children. Which makes them imbalanced & leads to aggression and frustration. Because they are more under the influence of peer group. They want to do things in the same way as their peer groups are doing. Which sometimes prove to be very dangerous. So, at this stage they need right counseling and guidance to become a healthy, wealthy and useful citizen/ member of the society/ family. |
They are the most experienced persons of the society in every respect. But they do not get due respect, may be, because of their own rigid attitudes and behaviours or due to the generation gap. Sometimes they unwittingly become hindrance in the prospective progress / growth of the younger generation.
They feel neglected in the family due to their own deteriorating physical and mental condition, which ultimately leads to feeling of insecurity. |
In actuality this is the stage when they can prove to be useful citizens of the society in a different way. |
We, here at our centre help them to recharge their weak batteries by reactivating their life styles. So that instead of becoming dependent on others, they become guiding force and useful citizens for the society, family as well as for themselves. |
"After walking along a busy road I found an Oasis of peace , received with love.
The conversation was well, it was a process of realisation. I resonated on every level and found the principles of the organisation based on selfless nature. A rarity in many parts of the worlds.
Step inside & explore, relax & get recharged. |
Mr. Adnan Bhatti From Thames Valley |
"The manner of conducting marrige counselling was very good. The time given for the purpose was a bit insufficient. However, alot of things could be learnt through counselling which is useful in overcoming mental stress." |
Mr. V.D Alam From Delhi |
Reiki means Universal life force. It flows through all living beings & is present all around us. |
It is an ancient & the most natural healing method which was re-discovered by DR. Mikao Usui within middle of 19th century. It is also the most effective way of transferring this universal life energy. Once a person has been opened upto become a channel of Reiki, concentrated life energy will flow through his hands of its own accord and he will retain this ability for rest of his life . |
Reiki heals mind, body, the intangible spirit, emotions & human relationships. It helps one live a wholesome life. The person becomes relaxed & calm. He becomes capable of handling stress as physical, mental & emotional balance is created. Reiki also helps in treating physical & mental diseases. Morevover, anybody can learn Reiki, no basic qualification required, no age restriction. |
"So nice place to discover Reiki. Nice people, couple & the place is quite & calm. I invite you to spend moments to discover these people & this place." |
Charbonneall From St. Banthelemy |
"I did Reiki second Degree with Dr. Kiran Mala. I enjoyed it & found it easy to understand.
The teaching was clear and straight forward with return theory. I especially enjoyed the practical part." |
Ms. Brenda
From Ireland |
"I learnt Reiki from Dr. Kiran Mala, Which has helped me alot & I felt very good as if alot of energy has been transferred to me & also I felt very light & nice. I hope I will also be able to help others & myself with Reiki". |
Ms. Radhika |
Provides in-depth meaning and relevance in one's present & future life. The various yogic asanas & exercises provide physical, mental, & spiritual benefits. Yoga means 'union' & deals with the Psycho-Physiological processes of the mind-body complex. It tries to harmonize & integrate the human personality at all levels & stages of life. It shows a way out of the complexities and problems of life & holds the key to a better life. The Yoga way of life, if practiced daily with devotion & a sense of detachment can give a true inner yogic experience that builds faith in one's inner self. It is based on a deeper understanding of man & his place in this world. Everyone can take advantage of & see the direct benefits of Yoga in one's daily life. |
"The Meditation techniques which Dr. Kiran Mala taught helps me to calm down my mind in stressful situation. The meditation programme has helped me in my inner growth." |
Ms. Vandana From Delhi |
It is a state of mind where there is no desire, no past & no future & one is happy without a specific reason . |
Meditation helps in achieving peaceful state of mind in every respect & every situation. Meditation also helps in controlling mind which is always wondering that is not stable. Further, through meditation we find the true purpose of life- 'Goal' - why are we here on this earth? |
Different meditative techniques such as 'Samarpan Kriya' & 'Mudras' help one control one's physical & mental actions to transcend emotions. Meditation helps one to love work, & be successful, healthy & happy. |
"The Meditation techniques which Dr. Kiran Mala taught helps me to calm down my mind in stressful situation. The meditation programme has helped me in my inner growth." |
Ms. Vandana From Delhi |
ADVOCATES A NATURAL WAY OF LIVING. Natural healing systems support body’s own curative powers, without any external interference or aid. This system believes that the human body has an innate capacity to heal itself owing to the divine life force that is present in everyone. The more naturally one lives life, the more joy one gets out of life. People turn to it as a method of treatment as a last resort where all other methods of treatment fails.This is true in case of chronic diseases.The philosophy of nature cure is based on the fact that man is a product of nature & that his interests are best served by allowing nature to play its part in his life. |
Completely transforms your PERSONA and OUTLOOK. Human beings’ food habits depend on geographical, historical, climatic, and hereditary factors. However it is not correct to be totally governed by such factors. There should be a sense of discrimination and selection in what one eats for enjoying a good health. Biological, anatomical, and physiological evidence however is in favour of man being vegetarian. The organs that filter toxins are strained when man ingests meat and eggs. |