Come, Let us journey together and transform our lives |
Why are we born as human beings? |
What is the true Purpose of Life? |
Are we dependent, independent, or interdependent? |
Why do we suffer physically, mentally or emotionally? |
Why some people are social and others are unsocial? |
Why do we feel good or happy in the company of some people but sad, bad or unhappy in the company of others? |
Why do we try to find faults in others? |
Newton’s Law – “Every action has an equal and opposite reaction”, “As you sow so shall you reap”. Does it really have a bearing on us? |
Do we really believe in Karma theory? Then why do we do wrong things? |
Do you believe in God? |
Can we really mould our Life as per our wish? If Yes, how? If not, why? |
Being egoist is good or bad? Why? |
Why does relationship of seven janmas fizzle out in seven days? |
Is there really previous or next birth? |
Is our working life taking its toll on our family life? |
Is the world really crumbling under the compulsive pressures? |
Are we suffering from genuine fears or illusionary fears? |
How much of our life is for real and how much of it is unreal, illusionary, delusionary and hallucinationary? |
Is Life a movie or a theatre run by God? |
Is the outer fight purely a reflection of our inner fight? |
Is the man, a product of the HOUSE or the HOUSE, the product of the man. (Is HOME, a house OR house, a HOME) |
What is your take on |
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Destiny and Fate |
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Pride and Vanity |
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Mind and Consciousness |
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Brain and Mind |
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"Live to eat" and "Eat to live" |
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Need and Greed |
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Thoughts and Emotions |
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Passion, Dispassion, Compassion |
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Expression, Suppression, Repression |
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Guilt and Regret |
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Attitude and Aptitude |
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Fear, Anxiety and Insecurity |
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Forgive,Forget or Punish |
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Victim and Culprit |
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Being and Becoming |
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Diplomacy and Hypocrisy |
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Materialism and Humanity |
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Love and Trust |
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Energy and Synergy |
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Religion, Spirituality and Science |
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Achievement and Attainment |
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Working truth and Absolute truth |
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Satt-Chitt-Anand |
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Invoke, Evoke and Provoke |
N.B. –Also, please let us know if you would love to join us on a LIFE MANAGEMENT( Educative/ Entertaining/Stress busting/ Rejuvenating) DIVINE PICNIC anywhere in India (or Abroad if a specific group so desires ) |
1. More important than knowing ‘all about life’, is to know what is ‘life all about’.
2. More useful than realizing your expectations from life is to realize life’s expectations from you.
3. Your ‘BEING’ is better than your ‘BECOMING’ at any point of time just the same way as ‘ATTAINING’ is bigger than ‘ACHIEVING’. So your ‘Becoming’ is intelligent and your ‘Being’ is wise.
4. Being ‘RECEPTIVE and RESPONSIVE’ is as useful to you as being ‘REACTIVE and RESPONSIBLE’ is useless to you.
5. Your ‘BODY’ is a bigger puzzle than your mind and soul put together, because your body which is composed of more than 70% of liquid and less than 30% of solid, contains the bone named FEMUR, with which if you hit someone forcefully you can virtually kill him on the spot. The puzzle – how do you explain the strength of FEMUR?
6. You can’t question the ‘FREEDOM’ of the planets and also your own heart, just the same way you can’t question their DISCIPLINE. Once you become one with discipline, your enjoying freedom of any kind becomes indisputable.
7 . By birth, you are essentially a victim of your own existence on the planet as a puppet. So how can one puppet be a victim and other a culprit? Your mechanism is made for self judgment and not to judge others.
Some learnings from the nature: |
8. Learn from water which takes the shape of the container it is put into.
9. Learn from the Tree, which while in the process of expanding in all its height, width and circumference keeps its focus intact on its roots.
10 Learn from the ant which falls ten times on way to its target but does not give in.
11 Learn from the mirror, which sees you, which shows you and which becomes you.
12.Your ‘GREED FOR MORE’ is and shall always remain a bigger and unsolvable problem than all other problems of your existence put together.
13. Always operate from inside out. Remain firmly stuck to the DRIVER’S safest and kindly seat in your own Nucleus.
14. Know the difference between Hearing and Listening. Hearing is connected with analysis in your brain and listening is connected with synthesis in your heart.
15.You spend/spoil/destroy all your life earning more and more money and more relationship while your creator is so shrewd, crude and blunt on your face – ‘You are born naked and you are taken back naked’. ‘You are born alone and you are taken back alone’.
16. Your duties come before your rights just the same way as cooking comes before eating.
17.Rather than wasting your precious time, money and energies in fighting NEGATIVITIES, focus on enhancing your POSITIVITIES and thereby building a strong shield around yourself. Instead of fighting all kinds of bacteria and viruses and thereby exhausting all your own inbuilt defenses isn’t it wiser to build a shield to guard against infections. Bang your head against the mountain – what will break – head or mountain?
18. If you are lucky enough to convert your hobby into professional source of earning, you can easily drown your body, mind and soul into it to get the best of results, but if you are not, then you must pursue your hobby alongside because in the ultimate journey, your life partner may leave you on the way, your children may leave you on the way, your job may leave you on the way but it shall be your hobby seeing you through to the end.
19. Life in itself is a vast ocean to explore. Those seeking security and comfort in their A.C BOXES are themselves to blame for their own deprivation.
20. Psychology is your evolution and growth but Philosophy is your life.
21.Tonnes of knowledge without a gram of wisdom carry no weight.
22. Struggle for existence, struggle for NEED or struggle for survival has taken a nosedive, turned upside down and transformed into a new monster of struggle for GREED, thereby inviting total CHAOS and DISASTER, in the form of destruction and breakdown of NATURE’S TREASURY, ever engaged in catering to the NEEDS only.
23. Simply plug yourself to the highest divine power point and behold! Your life gets a miraculous natural flow from above downwards and all your efforts become effortless.
24. Accept your slavery to the ALMIGHTY and HE spontaneously makes you a MASTER of your own self.
25. You always succeed in winning; I always succeed in losing; both are equally successful; and also both of us contribute equally in creating a balance.
26. One ‘I’ is composed of many ‘WE’S.
27. Let the judge never ever commit the sin of attempting to make judgment, as the Human judge is only one of the DELIVERYMEN appointed by one and the only JUDGE- ALMIGHTY HIMSELF. Human mechanism is made only for judging self and not others.
28. We first attempted and succeeded in striking the big deal and contract to run the world and as if this accomplishment was not big enough. We now rise a step up to strike a deal & contract to organize Z-security for our hapless and helpless Gods Where does our security stand anyway? Wonder!
29. Each one of us born on this planet is essentially a VICTIM of one’s own physical existence. So called CULPRITS exhibit only an aggressive retaliation against their own Victimization.
30 Ego is nothing but one’s own individual contribution as the physical resident of this planet towards the running of the show. So rather than shunning or getting rid of the ego, one simply has to learn to use it constructively; as it is one’s ego alone that keeps one connected to the outer world.
31.The CREATOR has provided you with a baloon to be blown to a certain stature of your own making with the strength of your own breath and return it back to HIM; having taken care all the time that you do not do any other damage to the baloon other than depleting it of some of its elasticity in the process.
32. Your brain contains an audio-visual class-room for learning the ‘process of living’ from the CREATOR’S own wise teaching staff and also an examination hall wherein you are provided with a clean empty sheet to write your own script of life, with complete liberty to copy partially, fully or develop/modify the tips taken from the text/references through your own intellect and wisdom. |
33. Your meditation lies in your ability to sustain yourself under the most adverse circumstances you encounter. So learn meditation from the Sun, the Earth, the Water, the Air, the Space and the Time.
34. You can better live your life by merely following the time tested and sustained principles of nature rather than attempting to make your own change prone principles.
35. LIFE does not end in death, rather there is death at the end of life and there is life at the end of death.
36. There is good at the end of extreme bad and there is bad at the end of extreme good.
37. Your ‘Being’ is your pure Ego, you must continue to always nurture it.
Your ‘Becoming’ is your pure Arrogance, you should completely renounce it.
38. You are Sixteen going on Seventeen
I am Humanteen going on Godteen.
39. What Is’ – Face it, Experience it, Handle it.
‘What Should Be’ – Is God’s domain, Connect with it, Pray for it.
40. Plug out of Devil’s greed point of ‘Live to Eat’ and plug into God’s need point of
‘Eat to Live’ and Lo& behold! All your economy and climate crisis problems stand solved for good.
41. You can enter Yoga by mastering your mind and then stop minding your mind and you become a complete yogi, even without ever practicing a single yogasana.
42. Nobody can ever be good or bad to you. Only your own goodness or badness is reflected in him, when you judge someone as good or bad; because the same soul (which is neither good nor bad) lights up every body’s life.
43. If ‘Experiment’ you must; then experiment on your ‘Experience’ for realistic enlightenment.
44. ‘Spontaneity’ in itself is a kind of ‘Meditation’.
45. Your identity of your ‘Being’ is connected with your conscious ‘Self’ and grows and lasts with you whereas your ‘Becoming’ is connected with your ego and grows to the optimum and abruptly vanishes overnight into thin air, leaving you high and dry at the mercy of your ‘Being’. So focus more on your ‘Being’ than your ‘Becoming’.
46. Life in itself is a vast ocean to explore for ultimate salvation. Those seeking security and comfort in the A.C. boxes are themselves to blame for their own deprivation. |